This Weekend at St. James the Less
Friday Morning Prayer Online 9 am (on YouTube) All Saints' Sunday Services 9 am & 10:30 am Healing Prayers optional at both services Coffee Hour after both services Early Growth of the Church Lecture 11:30 am Festive Evensong for All Saints 5 pm 7th & 8th Grade Confirmation 5:30 pm For more infomation visit:
In Thanks for God's Blessings: 2025 Annual AppealRead or Listen to Mo. Storm's Kick-Off Letter "What do you have that you did not receive?" That comes from Paul's Second letter to the Corinthians. It was quoted frequently by St. Augustine of Hippo, a great theologian in the early church who, like Paul, wanted his people to remember that everything we have comes from God. Everything is a gift. Everything. For me, personally, that verse has been a lifeline. It's helped me relax and lighten my mental and emotional grip on so many things that I think are mine. It's also helped me be more generous. Starting November 1, our parish begins our "Annual Appeal," our yearly ritual of gathering financial commitments from our parishioners for the coming fiscal year. As an Episcopal Church, we function solely on the pledges that we receive from the membership every year, and we've been at this for 175 years! Everything you enjoy at St. James--the sermons, worship services, our beautiful sanctuary, outreach projects, social gatherings, children and youth programs, Bible studies--all of this happens because the members of our parish step up each year and make a financial gift. Next week you'll receive a letter from the co-chairs of our 2025 Appeal. You'll also receive information about our proposed budget, and a pledge card. A FAQ sheet on pledging will be included, as well, so that those who are new to our church especially can learn more about the importance of pledging in the Episcopal Church. Once you receive and review all these materials, please reflect and pray about what you can give to support St. James. Feel free to reach out to me or the leaders of the Appeal if you have any questions. I was raised to understand that giving to the church is not only a practical matter--how else would the church run?--but also a spiritual one. I tithe 10% of my income to St. James the Less, enough to impact me constantly. Enough to have to feel the pinch, which then continually steers me back to my priorities. You may choose to give at such levels, and some here have been for years. On the other hand, I realize there are other good causes and priorities in your lives in addition to St. James. Whatever you choose to give, we are grateful for any support toward our church life together. Every single pledge of financial support is important to God and our church. Giving is about meeting the needs of this church we love, but it's about so much more. It's about living in a way that says, I know it's all from God to begin with. It's all God's even now. I'm so grateful for this parish and for the untiring commitment of all of you, year in and year out. Thank you. And look for that letter in the mail next week! In Thanks for God's Blessings, The Rev. Astrid Storm +
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175th Anniversary Lecture - 1860s-1880sJoin us to hear about the Early Growth and Challenges at St. James the Less + This Sunday at 11:45 am The Civil War and Palm Sunday fire presented some of our earliest challenges as a parish. Parishioner Russell Crane tells us about how the leadership of St. James responded to the issues of the day, making St. James a stronger, more resilient parish. Shown above are Oliver Avery Hyatt and Col. Alexander Baxter Crane. Oliver Hyatt joined the Vestry in 1837 when he was 21 and served for 68 years. For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/events/175th-anniversary-lecture-1860s-1880s/2024-11-03
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175th Anniversary Festive Evensong for All SaintsSunday November 3 at 5 pm Join the Choir of St. James for the traditional Anglican service of Evensong as we remember the saints that have gone on before us. The contemplative and uplifting service of Evensong is unique to the Anglican musical tradition. The choir sings prayers on behalf of the congregation so the congregation may meditate and pray in this intimate and rejuvinating service. Following will be a festive reception for all to gather and celebrate each other and those who have joined the company of angels. Free-will offering |
Optional Healing PrayerThis Sunday at the 9 & 10:30 am Service Parishioners have the option on the first Sunday of each month (both services) to receive healing prayers for themselves or a loved one after receiving Holy Communion. Prayers are said by certified lay chaplains in a quiet space (our chapel) and kept always confidential. NEW: Lay chaplains are also available to take Communion to you or to a loved one if you're unable to make it to church. We're happy to visit anyone at all, even just to lend a listening ear or say a quiet prayer together. Our chaplains are here to support our parishioners in hard times, so please call on us! Send a confidential email to: laychaplains@stjamesscarsdale.org. For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/events/optional-healing-prayers/2024-11-03
Loud and Proud: Lessons from a Blind BeggarLast Sunday's Sermon by Ms. Harriet Ellis "Has anyone ever told you to be quiet? I don’t mean like when you were back in school, and you were told off by a teacher. Has anyone ever told you to be quiet when you were getting too excited or into something? Maybe not in those exact words, but someone may have told you to calm down, settle, sit down, or just generally be less you." For more infomation visit:
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Do You Get the Rector's Member News?
Pledging parishioners are automatically added to the rector's member news, which goes out every Tuesday and contains information relevant to the running of our parish--plus the occasional note and word of encouragement. If you're not receiving them but would like to, you can subscribe at the button below (as well as read the latest). In this week's email: Mo. Storm's reflections on the election, and Parking Lot redesign slide deck and key takeaways. For more infomation visit:
Bible EnthusiastsA Book Group Devoted to Reading about the Bible + Wednesday, November 13 at 7:30 pm Interested in learning more about the Bible? This group is open to all, whatever your level of experience with the Bible is. Come learn something new and get to know others! We meet about four times a year in a parishioner's home, and our next book is "Paul, the Mind of the Apostle" by A.N. Wilson. Sign up below and we'll send along the address for our next gathering. Come join us! For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/events/bible-enthusiasts/2024-11-13
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Get More Involved at St. James the Less
It's easy to get involved, and we're always looking for more volunteer help! Click the links, add your name, and you'll automatically be added to the email distribution group for that ministry. You can also sign up through our phone app any time. We really do run on volunteer labor. Thank you! For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/news/get-more-involved-at-st-james-the-less--34
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Are You a Pledging Member of St. James?
We are so thankful for each and every pledge made to St. James. Ongoing financial contributions from parishioners are how Episcopal churches operate. If you take advantage of anything in the church--worship services, classes for kids and adults, outreach programs, fellowship, anything at all--please make a pledge to help us sustain these programs. The annual average pledge at St. James is approx $3,500.00. By the numbers, it costs $6,000.00 per family to do everything we do. Click the picture above to make a pledge. It's easy and secure. You'll receive a response from the office and the rector. Thank you! For more infomation visit: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/2227516
This Sunday's Bulletin
You can view this Sunday's bulletin at the link below. Names of all readers, servers, and acolytes are always listed on the last page of the bulletin. Readings are also there for readers to view in advance. For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12od7Y6lG9ry6H3rKLPvdZN8kigq3VUw7dbUu9TwyJ-I/edit?usp=sharing