FROM 2020-2022 the St. James Racial Justice and Reconciliation Task Force formed, met, and studied the subjects of race, inequity, the legacy of slavery in our society, white privilege, and our history at St. James and the wider area. This racially diverse group also learned from each other about our different experiences of church and the wider society. The Task Force's work continues in the form of regular book groups, forums on our history, worship services celebrating our diversity, partnerships with parishes in our region, and more. See the charter below, and to be added to the group list and be informed of its work (all welcome!), contact the rector at and ask to be added to the Group list.
The St. James the Less Racial Reconciliation and Justice Task Force, motivated by our baptismal vow to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being,” and by an awareness of our Episcopal tradition’s historic participation in slavery and our responsibility for its aftermath, is committed to:
Educating the wider parish and community on the enduring legacy of slavery through workshops, movies, book groups and community discussions;
Telling the history of our parish and the wider Episcopal Church openly and honestly;
Creating a more racially inclusive environment through our worship, fellowship, and outreach programs;
Engaging more minority staff, vendors and contractors as a parish, particularly those of African American descent.