This Weekend at St. James the Less: the Feast of St. Philip and St. James the Less!
Friday Morning Prayer Online, 9 am Sunday Services at 9:00 and 10:30 am Optional Healing Prayer during both services Children's Church School during the 10:30 am service Patronal Feast Day and Capital Campaign Celebration 11:30 am Children's Choristers 11:45-12:30 For more infomation visit:
Capital Campaign Weekly UpdateCELEBRATE WITH US THIS SUNDAY Come celebrate this Sunday as we thank all of donors to the campaign and announce how much we've raised. We've come a long way since we started this undertaking nearly a year ago. Thank you to all who have worked so hard to get us to this point! Next, the work begins! For more about what to expect next, click the button below and go to the "FAQs." For more infomation visit:
Healing PrayerMonthly During the 9 & 10:30 am Service + Sunday, May 5 Parishioners have the option on the first Sunday of each month to receive healing prayers for themselves or a loved one after receiving Holy Communion. Prayers are said by certified lay chaplains in a quiet space (our chapel) and kept always confidential. |
Friday Online Morning PrayerFriday, May 3 at 9 am Join us for Morning Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer, led by a lay person at St. James. You can watch anonymously, or make yourself known in the chat sidebar. We use the liturgy from dailyoffice.app. All welcome, and watch afterwards if you like! For more infomation visit:
St. James Children's Choristers2 Rehearsal Options: Thursdays at 4 pm or Sundays at 11:45 am The "St. James Choristers" is our weekly choir program for kids ages 2nd grade and up. In rehearsals, kids learn music theory, sight reading, scales, service music and hymns, and how to sing in a choir. For information, contact Victoria Shields at music@stjamesscarsdale.org. You can also just drop by with your kids. This is a drop-off event, but parents are welcome to stay. Both groups meet in the Chapel. All welcome! For more infomation visit: https://www.stjamesscarsdale.org/pages/music-arts-for-children
Church School News
This Sunday in Church School, we're trying out a new curriculum, Storymakers NYC. It's gotten rave reviews from clergy, parents, and kids around the diocese. Parents, come to church this Sunday so your child can get their new Storymakers "zine!" This week's teachers: parent Russell Grant, with the high school interns. |
Read or Listen to a SermonOn Vines, Pruning, and Bearing Fruit Last Sunday, Mother Eliza preached about Jesus' metaphor of the vine (Jesus) and branches (us) in John's Gospel, reminding us that sometimes, to stay healthy and productive, we must also be pruned. For more infomation visit: http://stjamesscarsdale.org/media/2024-04-28-on-vines-pruning-and-bearing-fruit
"St. James Bible Enthusiasts" Read Why the Bible Began, by Jacob WrightA Study and Fellowship Group + Thursday, May 16, 2024 New! Introducing the St. James Bible Enthusiasts, a spin-off of our 2022/23 Bible Marathon Group. This group is open to everyone who wants to learn more about the Bible through reading and discussion, and perhaps the occasional field trip--the group will determine its own agenda as we go, in consultation with Mo. Storm. Our first book is Why the Bible Began by Jacob Wright. Meets at 7 pm in the Rectory. For more infomation visit:
The Scarsdale-Hartsdale Women's Interfaith Council EventAt St. James the Less + Monday May 13, 2 pm Speakers from Hearts & Homes for Refugees talk to us about this vital ministry, which we've been participating with for the past year. Come learn more, and get to know other women of faith in the area. |
There are Many Ways to Help at St. James
We're trying to make it easier to get involved and help out! Click the links, add your name, and you'll automatically be added to the email distribution group for that ministry. You can also sign up through our phone app any time. We really do run on volunteer labor. Thank you! Fordham Food Pantry (all ages) Help pack food for 150+ families every other Saturday at the St. James Episcopal Church in Fordham. A team of 10-20 members of our church regularly assists in this ministry, which starts at 8:15 am twice a month. Fill out the form to be added to the separate email list with updates and reminders. Midnight Run (all ages) Help feed a hot meal to the homeless in NYC every other month on Sunday morning. A team of about 15 parishioners from St. James travels down to the city starting at 7 am, back by 10 am. Sunday Readers (4th grade to adults) Our worship services are led jointly by clergy and lay people. Become a reader at the 9 or 10 am service. A coordinator will reach out to you with dates and other information. Sunday Greeters (teens and adults) This is a great initial way to get involved at St. James, and to get to know other people. Greeters hand out bulletins, help orient new people (to the children's corner, bathrooms, etc.), and serve as a kind, welcoming face on walking through our doors. Church School Teachers (adults) Parents of church school kids are especially invited to serve as occasional teachers, alongside our high school interns. Teachers are scheduled approx every 4-5 weeks, and receive the lesson plans ahead of time. All teachers undergo a background check and are asked to do an online "Safe Church" training workshop on their own time. Youth Acolytes (4th Grade through high school) Kids are an indispensible part of our worship services, helping the clergy by carrying the torches and cross and leading the procession on Sunday mornings. This is a great way for your kids to get involved in worship and learn about the rituals of the church with other kids their age. Men of St. James The Men of St. James has been meeting for over a century. We meet approx every other month for fellowship, outreach, helping around the church, and to get to know each other better. |
Are You a Pledging Member of St. James?
We are so thankful for each and every pledge made to St. James. Ongoing financial contributions from parishioners are how Episcopal churches operate. If you take advantage of anything in the church--worship services, classes for kids and adults, outreach programs, fellowship, anything at all--please make a pledge to help us sustain these programs. The annual average pledge at St. James is approx $3500.00. By the numbers, it costs $6000.00 per family to do everything we do. Click the picture above to make a pledge. It's easy and secure. You'll receive a response from the office and the rector. Thank you! For more infomation visit: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/2227516
This Sunday's Bulletin
You can view this Sunday's bulletin at the link below. Names of all readers, servers, and acolytes are always listed on the last page of the bulletin. Readings are also there for readers to view in advance. For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12od7Y6lG9ry6H3rKLPvdZN8kigq3VUw7dbUu9TwyJ-I/edit?usp=sharing